Birch trees / Woodcuts / Drawings / Audio: 1:09 min.
Museum Nelimarkka, Alajärvi, Westfinland, 2008/2009
Vorgefundene Graffiti und das monotone Gebell eines Hundes als Ausgangspunkt.
Birch trees, acrylic (Photographies)
Drawings (series of 6): ink on paper, 40 x 50 cm each
Drawings (series of 10, selection): ink on paper, 40 x 50 cm each (series of 10, selection)
Woodcut: MDF, varnish, plasticine, series of 7, approx. 20 x 140 cm (all)
Drawings (series of 15, selection): ink, pencil, marker on paper, series, 15 x 15 cm each